Juliette's Family Shoot | Durban
She is my joy and heart's delight. - Robert Wever

Spencer's Newborn Shoot | Ballito
"The most precious jewels, you'll ever have around your neck, are the arms of your children." - Unknown

Francois & Jenna Wedding | Gwahumbe Game & Spa
“Favorite People, Favorite Places, Favorite Memories of the past … These are the joys of a lifetime Those are the things that last” –...

Hampson Family | Pennington, South Coast
Whilst driving down to Pennington for this shoot, it started to rain and I thought we would have to postpone. Fortunately, the rain held...

Griffin's Newborn Shoot | Ballito
Griffin was the smallest baby I have worked with and I loved every minute with this little guy. Being so tiny, he wasn't so happy lying...

Family Reunion | Port Edward
“Love your family. Spend time, be kind & serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised & today is short.” - Anon

Solitaire Family | Amanzimtoti
"The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family." - Lee Lacocca